Remember one of key rules of a healthy food - eat not less than five vegetables and fruit in day? And what fruit the most nutritious? Researchers of university Baylor in Dallas, carefully having studied properties of 27 products, have come to conclusion, that the most useful fruit is kiwi. In a kiwifruit the average size 75 mg of vitamin C, contains about 46 calories, 0.3-gram fats, 1 gm proteins, 11 gm carbohydrates, 75 mg vitamins and 2.6 grams dietary fiber.
Eating one kiwi on day, the person covers daily norm of vitamin C which is capable to strengthen immune system, blood vessels, and also raises resistibility of an organism in struggle against diseases. Besides this vitamin helps the person to avoid stresses. Last experiments of the Norwegian scientists have shown, that this product actively burns the fats blocking arteries. It in turn reduces risk of formation of blood clots.