Let me see you work it out like a boy on the runway Tom, with a body wearing a tight hugging t-shirt, dipped in the color white and topped with a black blazer to cover up that sugar coated arms. Don’t you just wish you could wear it over your body? That is if you perpetually spent a night with him in his hotel room. Put your hands up, because his body is looking amazing on this special carpet event which was recently, few weeks ago on the Green Carpet in Russia. Ah, and those stunner shades, hiding those hypnotizing eyes of his, you can't go wrong with that one. Think he knows, he needs to tame those Russian Girls from getting ravenous, wanting to tear him apart, because he is just too mouth watering, for those girls to handle, and if one wink comes from those eyes, trust me, CNN will have to report a lot of girls were admitted to the hospital since they got the case of The TomTasticWink. :)
Get your mind cleared up girls, because this boy will creep into your mind, like an air vapour, making you sucked in like a vacuum suction between the realm of reality and dream land. Because tom’s fashion sense now has took a one eighty spin, from head to toe. He looks like a man who could just push all those male models off the runways; including his brother. Move over little boys, the big player, has arrived!
He doesn’t bit around the bush anymore, time to take the spotlight off every good looking boy on earth, because he doesn’t play nice no longer right Tom? Play time is over babies; let this man show you how it’s done really! He could just make you feel like you want to do all those unthinkable things with him, very adultery. I should stop, before it gets too explicit, because he is just heating up the fashion scene already. (;